Past Symposiums
Curator, TED and Founder of The Audacious Project
Founder, Deshpande Foundation
United Nations Under-Secretary-General; Executive Director of UN Women; former Deputy President of South Africa
CEO and Co-Founder, Last Mile Health
President and CEO, New England Aquarium
CEO and Co-founder, Water.org and WaterEquity
President, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Chief Executive Officer, Equal Innovation Consulting
Partner and Director of TPI's Center for Global Philanthropy
Executive Director, Nielsen Foundation Senior Vice President, Global Responsibility & Sustainability, Neilsen
Director of Stakeholder Engagement, Foundation Center
Executive Director, New England International Donors
Executive Director, Segal Family Foundation
Director of Strategy, Segal Family Foundation
Managing Director, Co-Impact
Social Impact Investor and Founder, Next Mile Project ​​
Managing Partner, Dietel & Partners
President & CEO, Boston Foundation
Vice President and chief Philanthropy Officer, Boston Foundation
Managing Partner, Imago Dei Fund
Chief Operating Officer, State Street Foundation, Inc.; Managing Director, State Street Corporation
Global Philanthropic Advisor, The Philanthropic Initiative
Founding Partner and Trustee, Imago Dei Fund
Managing Partner, The Philanthropic Initiative
Senior Partner, The Philanthropic Initiative
Systems and Complexity Coach, The Omidyar Group
Vice President of External Relations, Council on Foundations
Employee Community Engagement and Strategic Programs, Global Human Resources and Corporate Citizenship, State Street
Founding Executive Director, Disability Rights Fund & Disability Rights Advocacy Fund.
President Acumen